Donate to PureView

Your generosity allows us to respond dynamically to our community's most pressing needs, ensuring everyone gets the care and support they deserve. This could mean helping patients with transportation costs, ensuring they can afford their medication, offering emergency assistance in unexpected situations, or simply ensuring a family has food on their table. 

PureView Health Center is committed to serving the underprivileged members of our community, including those without insurance and those on Medicaid and Medicare. Our mission goes beyond this, however. We aim to promote a healthy community by bridging healthcare gaps and offering patient-centered, comprehensive, affordable healthcare. We are also a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) that allows us to provide comprehensive care to all regardless of their financial circumstances.

Our commitment is unwavering, but we can't do it alone. Your financial donations can significantly impact and help us extend our reach. Every dollar counts, and each contribution, regardless of size, makes a difference.

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How Your Donation Can Help

  1. Expanding Services: Beyond traditional medical treatments, your donations enable us to explore and integrate holistic approaches to care, ensuring all aspects of our patient's health are addressed.
  2. Improving Facilities: We aim to create spaces where our patients feel safe and cared for. Your gifts help us maintain our existing areas and innovate, ensuring state-of-the-art equipment and welcoming environments.
  3. Community Outreach: Your support helps us to widen our reach, providing educational resources and health campaigns tailored to the unique needs of our community, ensuring everyone has the information they need to stay healthy.
  4. Flexible Support: One of the most significant impacts of your donations is the flexibility they provide. With your help, we can assist patients with unforeseen expenses, including transportation, medication, or emergency assistance. We aim to remove any barrier preventing someone from accessing quality healthcare.
  5. Assisting Those in Need: Beyond traditional healthcare, your donations ensure that every individual, regardless of their circumstances, has a helping hand when they need it most. Whether it's a warm meal, a ride to the clinic, or guidance on healthcare resources, we're here for our community.

* Funds will be distributed according to our Mission's requirements. The examples above are not the only ways your donations will be utilized.

A group of people are posing for a picture in a hospital.
A man in a plaid shirt is standing next to a woman talking on a cell phone.

How to Donate

Fill out the form below to make a secure online donation. You can give a one-time gift or set up a recurring donation. 

If you prefer to donate by check, please mail your contribution to:

PureView Health Center

ATTN: Donations

1930 Ninth Ave.

Helena, MT 59601

PureView Health Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and your donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. We will provide a receipt for every donation we receive.

Donate Online By Using The Form Below

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